90 Sussex Street, St Augustine's, Norwich This house no longer exists. For much of the first half of the 20th century this was home to the Southgate family, who ran a local builders business. It stood on the south side of Sussex Street near the junction with Oak Street, the second from last house in the street. The tall chimney seen on the right is thought to have belonged to the Wincarnis fortified wine distillery in Oak Street. The lady at the gate is Mrs Southgate, mother of the present owner of the photograph.
It isn't known precisely when No. 90 was demolished but it is thought to have survived up until the Second World War. A house of a very similar design still stands at 22 Sussex Street. The site was later built over by workshops of Woods Masons, the buildings of which were later used as a foam rubber warehouse. The whole area is now planned for demolition to build duplex apartments and flats.
Photo courtesy of Daphne Dennis |